Friday, November 6, 2009


After last night's cinco de alchemist celebration, as I drifted off into punctuated the end of the Urban Farm stand season. We're going to have to find another venue for our seasonal fresh fruit and veg's. The Park will be just a bit more vacant on Saturday Morning. It's a little sad. But The Alchemist CDC has some excellent leadership and momentum! It's exciting to imagine the future of their group.

I hung around talking with the Chairperson. Yes, we talked politics. and in the back of the building a piano which had been silent began tinkling a clare de lune. I was outed as a wanna-be pianist. Soon I was lead to the new baby grand sitting in the Musical Charis lesson area. A beautiful 5'2" with the appropriate amount of dust on the sound board. I executed Your Song and Making friends and even got someone to sing along to Desparado.

That was fun and deep and rewarding and I was sent off with hugs and commendatons! They are way too generous. But finally, I was asked to come and teach a music lesson.

I think I will.

More on that... Happy Friday.

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